Jof has always had an interest in the ocean and how the Scillonian islanders live with and from it. With the increasing global awareness of plastic pollution and emissions, he started to build pots and trial how he could make a living through the use of fishing gear made without plastic and the use of a human-powered boat.
Over the last five years he has planted and restored thousands of willow and tamarisk trees in the islands to pollard/coppice for pots and fishes by sail and oar with fishing gear completely free from plastic. The ropes are made of manila and the buoys are a mix of Aluminium/timber and cork/bamboo. The material harvesting is done in the winter while the trees can be coppiced and the materials supple to work, it can take 4-5 hours to make a pot but often takes much longer and longer again to set up and rig with ropes and floats. These traditional pots will then only just last one season in the harsh sea conditions of the islands western Atlantic rocks and reefs until they break apart and naturally decompose on the sea bed or brought back to shore. Then the annual cycle of pot making and fishing starts again.